REDDCopernicus – COP26 Side Event

The EU funded H2020 REDDCopernicus Project will be presented at the COP26 European Union Side Events on 1st November as part of the session: EO for Climate Action: Mitigation, REDD+, and the Global Stocktake. The presentation on REDDCopernicus, which will be made by Dr. T. Haeusler (GAF AG) and Prof. Dr. M. Herold (Wageningen University)-EU’s Action on the support to REDD+ activities: Copernicus for Forest Monitoring – will highlight the importance of the policy review and stakeholder engagement as well as the conceptualisation of a future Copernicus REDD+ service. DG DEFIS will address the transition to operationality. Registration to attend the session virtually can be done here: