User Engagement and Awareness Raising

This task  showcases the products/services (identified in the Stakeholder Requirements and Policy Review) for a Copernicus REDD+ Service Component to specific REDD+ User Groups via Learning Exercises in four regional Workshops (Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, Continental Southeast Asia). Selected tropical countries and two in-country ‘Federation Activities’ in key countries (Brazil and Indonesia) were also consulted in order to obtain contributions and feedback on the proposed Copernicus REDD+ Service. Key outcomes of these Learning Excercises were the validation and endorsement of products/services by the Users, as well as their recommendations for service evolution and the relevant institutional arrangements for service delivery.

The technical and organisational components of a Copernicus REDD+ Service Component were aslo presented to a variety of international initiatives supporting REDD+ such as the Global Forests Observation Initiative (GFOI) and the United Nations REDD+ Programme (UNREDD) for methodological and implementation related feedback. These activities resulted in a compilation of recommendations for the potential collaborative framework of international agencies for a Copernicus REDD+ Service Component.

There is also a continuous set of dissemination activities to communicate the Project results to raise awareness among the relevant users, stakeholders and donors/clients as well as the wider research community. These activities provide the needed visibility to the international community on a potential Copernicus REDD+ Service Component as well as the European EO Forest Monitoring capacities.

Work Packages

The work is organised in three interrelated Work Packages:

  • WP 4 – Learning Exercises and Studies with Users
  • WP 5 – Coordination and Knowledge Exchange with International Initiatives
  • WP 6 – Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation